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Where can I get my affiliate links

To access your affiliate links for products you have signed up to or been manually added to by a vendor, you can get these from your affiliate dashboard.

You can access your affiliate dashboard by visiting https://thrivecart.com/signin/ and then logging in using your email address and password.

Once logged in you will have access to your affiliate dashboard and you’ll want to click the products tab at the top.

You’ll be shown a list of products for which you are approved for. Any products that are waiting for approval will be listed towards the bottom.

To access your affiliate link, simply click on one of the products to be taken to its dedicated resource area.

At the bottom of this area will be your affiliate link.

This is the URL you must share when promoting a product. If you do not use the URL provided here, there is a risk you will not be credited for sales (do not use the URL your affiliate URL redirects to)

Note; if you’re wanting to use something like PrettyLinks or goo.gl to shorten or make the URL nicer to share, then you can do so. Just make sure the target of the URL is your affiliate link as shown here.

If the vendor requires you to connect your PayPal before you can access your affiliate link then your affiliate link will be disabled until you have connected your PayPal account. You can learn how to do this here.

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