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  3. Creating Your Products
  4. Creating your ‘main’ products

Creating your ‘main’ products

We have a full ‘getting started’ walkthrough video here, which this video has been taken from. The getting started video will walk you through the basics of your account such as creating products and funnels.

As of 12th Sept 2023; the ‘Checkout’ section in this video has changed. ThriveCart now comes included with a range of pre-made checkout page designs and templates, with a hugely powerful block-based editor. See the video and article here on this. This video will be updated in the future to reflect these changes.

Your ‘main’ product starts as the base for your funnels. It’s the primary product that your bump and upsells/downsells are connected it.

It’s the product and page where your customers enter all their details and payment information.

Create new product’ button greyed out?
The ‘create new product’ button won’t be available if you’re a sub-user on an account. These features are reserved for the account owner.

When heading to the products tab within your ThriveCart dashboard, you’ll see the ability to “Create Product” which will then ask you which product type you are creating. 

A physical product would allow you to set shipping fulfillment options such as shipping rates for products that will need to be delivered to your customer, while a digital product would be delivered entirely online. Digital is the standard option for products such as services, courses, digital downloads, etc. 

Below, we can see what a typical product that has just been created will look like: 


Your product settings are broken down into different tabs and sections, but the “next” button in the bottom right will cycle you through all of those options to ensure that you’re not missing anything and walk you through the setup process. 

Product Settings Tab:

The Product Name will be displayed publicly on the product page as well as on their invoice, while the URL is automatically set as the product name, and will be the web address that customers can follow to purchase your product. The URL can be edited, but can not exceed 40 characters.

Labels are used to organize your products internally, and the labels added here will not be public facing or used in SEO. 

From this page you can also set your product language from our existing supported languages available in the dropdown, and if you have set up custom text and translations, those profiles would be available here. 

Disabled/Live/Test statuses can be set here as well. Disabled hides the product from view and will prevent any sales from being placed, Live is a publicly available product, and Test publishes the product so that you can run test purchases while still triggering behaviour rules, webhooks, etc. See: Testing your checkout & funnel

The owner of the product would be the account owner by default, but if you have client accounts set, you could assign them here as well. 

Pricing Tab:

This tab includes everything to do with the price and receipt for your product, where you can set whether the price is a fixed-rate, split-pay, subscription, or pay-your-own-price option. You can also enable sales tax and set the logo and branding on your customers receipt (the payment notification). 

Required steps to set up any product includes at least one price, connecting a payment processor (see: Connecting your Payment Processor), setting your support email within the fulfillment tab, and choosing a design for your checkout. 

The additional sections are all functionality that we’ve covered in numerous help articles, which we recommend reviewing when setting up those individual sections.

  1. Creating your Bump Product
  2. Setting your Product’s Fulfilment
  3. Introduction to the checkout editor
  4. The Behaviour Rules tab is where you can Add your customers to your autoresponder
  5. The Complete Affiliate Setup Guide and Walkthrough
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