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Connecting an autoresponder

Native integrations

ThriveCart integrates with a range of membership platforms natively from our side.

This currently includes:

You can integrate one autoresponder account per service.
You can connect to multiple services.

Once you have an autoresponder connected, you can use the various behaviour rules across the different areas of the platform to have contacts added. Click on a service above to go to their dedicated helpdesk article.

HTML Form integrations

If you’re using an autoresponder that’s not listed above, then you can still often have customers added to your autoresponder using the Custom HTML behaviour rule.

This allows you to take the HTML form embed code you would normally put on your website to collect opt-ins and have ThriveCart process this in the background.

See our helpdesk article on this here.

Zapier integrations

We also have the most powerful Zapier app for a cart platform available which offers integration with even more autoresponder platforms.

Using Zapier you can have actions occur for a wide range of triggers (see our Zapier article here). This then allows you to pass customer and order information through to many autoresponders.

If you have any questions or need any assistance please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our fast and friendly support team.

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