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  4. The Customer Hub
  5. How can customers access your customer hub

How can customers access your customer hub

There are currently two very easy methods your customers can access your customer hub and update their personal or billing information, review their past transactions, or manage their subscriptions (if you’ve allowed).

At the bottom of every receipt (automatically sent by the ThriveCart platform after each transaction) is a link that takes your customer directly to the page to get started with updating/editing their details.

If you have enabled recurring payment invoices to be sent, the link is also included in those receipts too.

Link not showing at the bottom of the receipt? Sounds like you’re using the ‘simple’ notification instead of the ‘invoice’ style receipt.

This link will show when using the invoice style receipt only. See our article here on setting your payment notification style.

You can also easily provide the link your customer needs to visit in your own communication or via a link on your website.

You can get the direct link to the page by visiting Settings > Account-wide settings > Customer hub

Here you will see the link to your customer hub. For reference, it will be in the format of https://youraccount.thrivecart.com/updateinfo/

Do not copy the URL example above, this is an example and not your unique customer hub URL. You need to replace youraccount with your own account name.

In either method, the process the customer follows would be:

  1. Customer is taken to a page where they enter their purchase email address
  2. The system sends them an email with their access link
  3. The customer accesses this area with a single click – no need to remember usernames and passwords.

The system was deliberately designed this way to avoid forgotten username/password issues that you would have had to deal with and reduce your customer support.

If you have any other questions about this area and you cannot find the answer in our other Customer Hub helpdesk articles, then please feel free to get in touch with the support team directly.

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