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Wishlist Member Integration

This video is taken directly from our integration page within the platform. Some of the steps mentioned will be specific to where this video originally shows within your dashboard.

To connect a membership platform to your account, you need to go to your Settings > Integrations area within your dashboard.

In the video above, we look at how you can connect your Wishlist Member site to ThriveCart so that you can automatically add customers to membership levels when their orders complete.

What does this integration support?

When using ThriveCart to power your sales and sending customer information to Wishlist, you will be able to

  • Add customer to membership level(s) when their orders complete
  • Automatically revoke access (optional) when a single payment product is refunded OR when a subscription is cancelled. Access is revoked at time of the event.

How to add customers to Wishlist automatically

To automatically add customers to Wishlist when they buy your product, you will set this up under your products Fulfillment tab.

You will want to select the option to ‘Add them to my membership site’, followed by selecting what membership fulfilment you’re looking to use followed by what specific website for that platform.

Remember, ThriveCart allows you to connect multiple membership platforms to your account and also multiple sites for each platform.

This allows you to have different products in your account that add customers to different membership sites and services you may use.

If you have multiple pricing/product options set up, then you can also choose to apply the customer to the same level for all pricing options, or set different levels for different options.

If you have a bump product enabled on your checkout, then you will also have the option to set what level you wish to apply to the customer should they purchase the bump offer.

For your upsells, you will set the fulfilment under your funnel settings for the product.

How do customers get their login details?

After your customer’s order completes, ThriveCart will send your customer information to Wishlist which will automatically have their account created if they don’t already have one associated with the email address entered at checkout.

If the customer already has an account on your site under that email address, their new membership levels will simply be added to their existing account.

New users are then sent an email with access information (which can typically be modified within your membership platform settings in their system).

WordPress looks to typically send welcome emails with login information only for new users. It’s worth noting that ThriveCart does not send the login details via email – this is sent directly from your website.

If your website is not sending this welcome email, check our general membership troubleshooting tips here.

Wishlist Member – specific troubleshooting

Levels not loading in fulfilment tab – The majority of the time this is due to not having the right URL in your integration settings. If you website is running SSL (https) then the start of your website in the integration settings will need to include https:// else the levels will not load under your product settings.

However, your security plugins and firewalls may also be preventing us from communicating with your website.

WordPress site URL – This is the URL for your website where Wishlist is installed. It might be your domain name, it might be a subdomain, or it might be in a subfolder. It’s typically your website. In some cases, if your integration will not save or your Wishlist levels not loading in the fulfilment tab, you may need to put www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/ 

If you have any issues integrating with your membership site please feel free to reach out to the friendly support team who will be more than happy to help you further.

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