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How to Win Back Lost Sales With ThriveCart’s Abandoned Cart Features

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Every sale counts, especially online. It’s no secret that cart abandonment is a common and super frustrating issue for online businesses. Shoppers browse your site, add items to their carts, and then, poof—they vanish. It’s like they were never there.

As an entrepreneur, it can feel like money slipping through your fingers. But what if I told you we’ve got a powerful tool to combat this problem and turn those lost opportunities into actual sales?

Enter ThriveCart’s abandoned cart recovery features.

We give you robust abandoned cart recovery tools designed to help you win back those elusive customers. And in this article, we’ll dive deep into how you can leverage these features to recover lost sales and boost your bottom line.

What Is Cart Abandonment?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of ThriveCart’s recovery tools, let’s understand why cart abandonment happens in the first place. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon, including:

  • Unexpected costs: Shipping fees, taxes, and other additional costs can surprise customers, leading them to abandon their purchase.
  • Complex checkout process: A lengthy or complicated checkout process can frustrate shoppers, causing them to leave before completing their purchase.
  • Mandatory account creation: Forcing customers to create an account can deter them from finalizing their transaction.
  • Payment security concerns: If customers are unsure about the security of your payment process, they may choose to abandon their cart.
  • Technical issues: Glitches, slow load times, and other technical issues can disrupt the checkout process.

Understanding these reasons can help you address potential issues on your site. However, no matter how optimized your checkout process is, some level of cart abandonment is inevitable. This is where ThriveCart’s abandoned cart recovery features come into play.

How to Prevent Abandoned Carts with ThriveCart

ThriveCart has an in-built feature specifically designed to tackle cart abandonment. It’s intuitive, customizable, and very effective at nudging customers back to complete their purchases. Here’s how to use it:

1. Go to your product settings where you want to prevent cart abandonment. Then, head on over to the Behavior tab.

If you aren’t seeing your autoresponder listed or only have “Custom HTML” showing as an option, you’ll first need to connect your autoresponder to your account before you can select it within your behavior rules!

2. You can then add a new behavior rule that triggers when the cart is abandoned. You can select what you want to do with the data (such as add them to your autoresponder or Google Sheets) then depending on your autoresponder and supported features, things like lists, tags, and automation’s could be selected.

After creating your rule, you can click the button Save and get URL to finalise your product’s settings.

How Does Cart Abandonment Trigger?

For cart abandonment to trigger, the customer will to enter at least their email address (in a valid format), leave that field (such as going on to complete the next field) and then quit your checkout such as leave for another website or close the window.

Then after about 15 to 30 minutes, as long as the customer hasn’t come back to the checkout and/or completed a purchase, we’ll fire off the event and pass through their email (and name if completed) through to your autoresponder service (or service as selected in your rule).

What About GDPR?

GDPR is no funny business – we know. For those worried about the GDPR implications of collecting the emails of someone who has shown interest in your product, you have a couple of options:

  1. Use the behaviour rules “only run in specific locations” option available under the rule settings, to comply with GDPR.
  2. Use our dedicated GDPR options for disabling cart abandonment collection.

Help – It’s Not Working!

If you’re having issues with cart abandonment not triggering, try these steps:

  1. Check you’ve not set location requirements in the behavior rule
  2. Check you’ve not enabled the prevention of cart abandonment collection (GDPR)
  3. Complete your tests in a brand new ‘private/incognito’ browser window
  4. Remember to wait 15-30 minutes before checking your service

If after that you’re still having issues, reach out to us in support with details of the checkout URL and we’d be happy to take a closer look for you.

More Cart Abandonment Tips: Optimize Your Checkout Pages

If you’re in a GDPR zone and cannot collect emails or want some extra insurance against cart abandonment, use our highly-customizable checkout pages to reduce the risk of buyers quitting the purchase at the last second.

A streamlined and user-friendly checkout page can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates. You can customize the layout, design, and fields to provide a seamless checkout experience:

  • Simplify the process: Reduce the number of steps required to complete the purchase.
  • Guest checkout option: Allow customers to check out without creating an account.
  • Trust signals: Display security badges and testimonials to build trust.
  • Mobile optimization: Ensure your checkout page is fully optimized for mobile devices.

Win Back Abandoned Carts With ThriveCart

Cart abandonment is a challenge, but it’s one that can be effectively addressed with the right tools and strategies. ThriveCart’s abandoned cart recovery features provide a comprehensive solution to win back lost sales. By leveraging automated follow-up emails, SMS notifications, dynamic retargeting ads, on-site retargeting, and customized checkout pages, you can significantly reduce cart abandonment and boost your revenue.

Remember, the key to successful cart recovery is a combination of timely communication, personalization, and incentives. With ThriveCart, you have all the tools you need to turn abandoned carts into completed sales. So, don’t let potential customers slip away—take action today and watch your sales soar.

Happy selling!

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"Over 7 years, I've seen a lot of cart builders, but never one as integrative and feature-rich as ThriveCart. Their staff & support is top grade."
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"I will use ThriveCart in my projects on a daily basis. I've been waiting for something like this for years, and the price is a bargain!"
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"In the last few months, ThriveCart has seamlessly and simply processed over a million dollars of revenue for my business and it's been SUPER simple."
Kevin Nations
"I just wanted to say, Thrive Cart is the answer to 95% of my prayers. Thank you!!!"
Tom Sears
Tom Sears
"I'm getting that 'kid in a candy store' feeling. Hands-down best purchase decision I've ever made. Thrivecart is amazeballs."
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Michael Ippersiel
"On my last launch I included a $19 bump offer that more than paid for Thrive Cart. Such a good feature. Such a great service and an incredible team to back it up. 🙂"
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Leon Melnicenko
"How do you do it. A one time purchase knowing I'd use it and it just keeps getting better. Seriously great product, support, and and and. All hail the team "
james hessler
James Hessler
"Hands down best investment I have made in IM since I got OP1"
GiamPaolo Floris
Giampaolo Floris
"Wow guys this saves us so much time- I LOVE THRIVECART SO MUCH!!!"
michael kilpatrick
Michael Kilpatrick
"The quality you "keep" putting into Thrive is exceptional"
alex sebastian
Alex Sebastian
"Thanks for everything you're doing to make this platform amazing. You guys are going to be the industry standard by which all other carts are compared once you launch publicly."
Jose Cernuda
Jose Cernuda
"You guys are awesome. I've never seen a company go from request to implementation this fast! Keep up with the great work."
Onder Hassan
Onder Hassan

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