We hope that you’re all starting off the year strong, sticking to your resolutions, and setting some ambitious business goals for 2025!
We’ve got some great things coming up this year, but in the meantime check out this weeks updates:
**New Feature** New Year Overlay: On the heels of our holiday overlay, we wanted to offer an additional overlay that you can use to spruce up your checkouts. Our New Year overlay is now available within your (enhanced) editor under the “Overlay” section 🙂
In addition, development has hit the ground running by rolling out fixes for the below bugs:
**Fixed** Scroll up to payment fields on Step 2 of embeddable cart: When using an embedded two-step checkout, users had noticed that if there was a lot of information on that page, customers were not seeing the payment fields without scrolling up manually. This has been resolved and the checkout will now automatically scroll up to those payment fields on step two.
**Fixed** Course Upsell Link included (but broken) on success page: If you had a product and funnel created using the enhanced editor and your product fulfillment was set up to add users to Learn, the success page was showing a link for both the main product and the upsell product. However, the upsell link would show an error. This has been resolved and those additional links for upsell courses removed from the success page, reducing customer confusion and directing them to the same student dashboard login.
**Fixed** Shipping not charged on subscription: In the case of physical products set to a subscription with shipping charges, some users reported that shipping was not being charged on those subscriptions despite showing on the receipt. This has now been resolved and that shipping rate will be charged for all new physical subscription purchases moving forward, as well as their rebills.
**Fixed** Reuse credit card option not available on upsell: When using our classic funnel, some users were noticing that Stripe Enhanced was not saving MasterCard cards specifically to be easily re-used. This caused customers that had initially used MasterCard to have to re-enter their information on the upsell pages in order to purchase the upsell. This has been resolved and all card options will be available to easily reuse for one-click upsells. (Note: This does not change the functionality of users paying initially with BNPL options, as those will need to be re-approved for upsells.)
If you have any questions you can always reference our help docs for guidance, or reach out to support via this form and we’ll be in touch.
Have a great week ahead!
<3 The ThriveCart Team