Update 10/29/24: UTF Characters, checkout display issues…

Home > Blog > Update 10/29/24: UTF Characters, checkout display issues…

It’s Tuesday, which means that it’s time for an update!

Development has been working on additional internal tooling and upgrades on the backend this week, but they have been able to resolve the below bugs as well.

**Fixed** Intermittent UTF8 character issues: UTF Characters such as umlauts, accents, etc. were being tracked in the dashboard and passed through webhooks with the code for that UTF8 character instead of the character itself. For example, the character Ü was displaying as Üks 3 OÜ. This has been resolved and the proper characters will be passed to the transaction and through all metadata.

**Fixed** Payments options still showing in free product checkout: Following a recent update, some users noticed that payment options were still showing in a free product checkout, despite not being required. This has been adjusted to define that the payment is not required because the product is free.

**Fixed** 2 step tabs on embedded checkout not mobile responsive: A display issue was present on the embeddable 2-step template that featured “checkout” and “payment” tabs, where the tabs would pop out of the checkout container when viewed on mobile. This has been resolved and those tabs will scale in order to be in line with the checkout regardless of the browser size it’s viewed on.

**Fixed** Incorrect abbreviation for Yukon Territories in Canada: Users noticed that the provincial code for the Yukon Territories was set as YTA in the CSV and webhooks, when the correct code is YT. This has been adjusted and all metadata will show the correct code as “YT” on new transactions moving forward.

**Fixed** Testimonial element image sizing: When adjusting the image shape of a testimonial image in the editor (i.e. to round), the front end image was not adjusting properly and the aspect ratio was off. This has been resolved and testimonial images can now be set to your desired shape.

That’s it for this week, but if you have any questions, you can always reference our help docs for guidance or reach out to support via this form  and we’ll be in touch.

All the best,
The ThriveCart Team

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