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Advanced Usage

For the more advanced users of the platform, we have a number of articles detailing things like our webhook system, triggering the modal cart with custom code, and more!

Accessing order information via the query string

When you use the default option to provide a “success” URL to your products or upsells, or the “custom” option...

Pre-fill your checkout fields

Learn how to prefill your checkout fields by sending data as URL parameters.

Passing custom variables through the checkout

Passing custom variables through the checkout URL is similar to having hidden fields to collect data. This information will be...

Using webhook notifications

ThriveCart supports the delivery of webhook notifications for a number of events. We will send an HTTP POST request to...

Using custom HTML to trigger your pop-up checkout

With our standard hosted checkouts you simply provide a link for your customers to visit to complete their purchase. However,...

OptimizePress2 – Using custom buttons for modal cart

The codes required for this video can now be found on this page (this is now a different page referenced...

Using the “custom” fulfilment option for upsells

When you create an upsell funnel for a product, you have 3 options for how to deliver the products to...

Prevent caching the coupon on a product

When a customer enters a valid coupon for your product or accesses your product from the coupon URL (which contains...

Triggering your modal cart using Elementor Pro

Elementor is a very popular WordPress plugin for building pages and theme and using Elementor Pro, you can easily trigger...

Botnet & fraud prevention

ThriveCart has a number of anti-fraud and bot prevention systems in place to help prevent card-testing and other automated or...

ThriveCart & WooCommerce

Are ThriveCart & WooCommerce compatible? Do they integrate? Learn more here.