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Legacy Cart Editor

[legacy] Setting your logo & header

This is a legacy cart template tutorial Different templates use different sized images for the headers and we often get...

[legacy] Collecting customer information

This is a legacy cart template tutorial With ThriveCart we let you choose how little* or how much of your...

[legacy] Adding testimonials

This is a legacy cart template tutorial Adding testimonials to your checkout page is a great way to give social...

[legacy] Your products ‘box shot’

This is a legacy cart template tutorial Several of the cart templates allow you to add a box or product...

[legacy] Adding terms & conditions

This is a legacy cart template tutorial You can easily add a compulsory checkbox that your customers have to agree...

[legacy] Scarcity marketing – countdown timer

This is a legacy cart template tutorial Scarcity marketing is a great way to get your customers to take action....

[legacy] Adding custom links to your cart footer

This is a legacy cart template tutorial ThriveCart lets you easily add important links to your cart footer. You can...