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ThriveCart: Learn

Documentation on the Learn and Learn+ platform. Create and provide training and courses to your customers easily with ThriveCart: Learn.

ThriveCart: Learn – Overview

In this article we take a look at what Learn is, along with the core dashboard.

Your Course Design & Content Layout

ThriveCart’s Learn offers you 3 highly flexible and customizable layouts for your course content. We offer the following layouts; Sidebar...

Course dashboard customization

In this article we look at how you can customize your students main dashboard page they see when logged in.

Customise your course registration & login pages

In this article we look at how you can customize your login and registration pages for your courses.

How do students access my course(s)

In this article we look at the several ways students can access your courses, including buying your product, being imported, or being given a one-time registration URL.

Content Dripping with Learn

In this article we look at the different ways you can drip content to students with Learn.

Understanding Tags in Learn

In this article we look at Tags within Learn and how they work to restrict access to content in courses for your students.

Adding videos to your lessons

In this helpdesk article we're going to take a look at how you can embed videos for your students to watch.

Custom domains for your courses

By default, your course content will show on the same domain as your checkout pages, so if you’re using the...

Importing students into Learn

In this article we look at the process of importing students into your course(s) within Learn

Granting access to limited course content (and unlocking more after a trial ends)

In this article we look at how you can give access to limited content as part of a trial and then unlock content after the trial ends.

Setting timed access to a course

Looking to give limited timed access to content then automatically revoke access? Learn how with Learn+ here.

Drip content based on pricing option

Learn how to deliver content within a course different based on their payment choice.

Course contents not live – warning accessing a course

Course contents not live warning showing to students or yourself when trying to view or preview a course.