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  3. The Affiliate Platform
  4. Adding affiliate resources and swipe copy

Adding affiliate resources and swipe copy

To help affiliates with their promotions, you’re able to provide them with resources such as pre-written swipe copy, banner images, and more. They can access these at any time from their affiliate dashboard.

To set these up, go to the main Affiliates tab, and choose ‘Product options’. Locate the product you’d like to add promo materials for, hover over the ‘Manage’ button, and choose ‘Promo materials’ from the dropdown menu.

From here, you can enter some introductory text to welcome the affiliate to your product, and add promotional materials if you wish. Just click on the blue buttons to get started!

Swipe copy

You can add swipe copy to help affiliates write out Facebook posts, email sequences and more.

When doing this, you can also use the following shortcodes which will get merged into your final text to customise the swipe copy for each affiliate!:

  • {affiliate_firstname} – Your affiliate’s first name
  • {affiliate_lastname} – Your affiliate’s last name
  • {affiliate_name} – Your affiliate’s full name
  • {affiliate_email} – Your affiliate’s email address
  • {affiliate_link} – Your affiliate’s primary link


Upload banner images in this area and we will provide them with a link to download the image or copy the embed code, which will copy a snippet of HTML which will display the image and link it to their affiliate link automatically.


Enter the embed code for a video hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia etc and we will provide this code to the affiliate.


You can also add custom HTML here – this is useful if you have a widget that affiliates can include on their pages. Give it a name and a description, and we’ll provide them with the embed code that you enter.

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