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Analytics and tracking for affiliates

As an affiliate, we know it’s important to understand and track the results of your promotions. Which is why you can add your own unique tracking codes as your referred customers go through the checkout funnel*.

*Note; this is subject to the vendor allowing this option to their affiliates.

To set things up, simply head over to your affiliate dashboard and select the product you’re promoting. If the vendor has allowed this function you’ll see a tab for Tracking code.

ThriveCart makes it simple for integration with Facebook Pixel tracking and Google Analytics tracking, you simply need to add your tracking ID in the appropriate field. No need to worry about adding multiple codes across different pages, we handle all of that for you, automatically.

This allows you to easy create audiences and retarget customers that visit the checkout page but don’t go on to purchase giving you more power in your promotions as an affiliate (from within your Ads Manager).

If you’re using a different analytics platform, then you also have the custom codes area. Allowing you to add different tracking scripts where required. See this helpdesk article on custom scripts, which works in the same way.

Remember, the only time your scripts/tracking is loaded is when a customer you’ve referred through your affiliate link goes through the checkout, they will not load for traffic that you do not send.

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