Special offer: one-time payment

Card expired reminder [example]

Below is a copy of the card expired reminder email that ThriveCart sends out by default.

Our reminders are quick, clean, and simple. They contain important information about the name of the product, the name of your business, and links to update their card or contact your support.

If your product is set to use a specific language, the system will send these messages out in the language you’ve chosen. You can edit and create custom translations should you wish to change the built-in messaging.

Your card expired {days} days ago

Important! The card that you used to purchase {item_name} (sold by {vendor_name}) expired {days} days ago. If you don\’t update your card details soon, you may lose access to the services you have paid for.

Click here to update your card details quickly and easily. If your card details are up-to-date, your service will not be interrupted.

If you have any questions, please click here to contact {vendor_name} directly.

  • {days} will be replaced with the number of days appropriate to the specific notification
  • [item_name} will be replaced by the product name that the customer purchased
  • {vendor_name} will be replaced by either your business name or your own name (depending on what is set in your profile).
  • The support link will take the user to the website or email as entered in your product’s settings in the support field.

If you have any questions about your dunning notifications, you can contact us here.

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