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Content Dripping with Learn

Learn offers you the ability to powerfully control how your content is dripped out to students of your courses.

What’s more, with Learn you can mix-and-match the drip methods so that different content in a course drips out differently from each other – giving you tons of flexibility.

What drip options does Learn support?

All courses will need at least 1 Module or Lesson that is ‘Published’ (Instantly available) so that new students who access the course have something to view.

Instant Fulfilment

Content that is marked as ‘Published’ in your lesson/module list will be available immediately to students after they’ve received access.

When a Module is Published, this means the module name is visible to the student, and the Lessons within the module can be a mixture of Draft (not visible to students), Published (visible to students), or Drip in the future (visible when they release).

You can see how a module or lesson is set to drip by the option in the right-hand column.

Time Period Fulfilment

This is your ‘evergreen’ style of content releasing. When you have content set to drip out based on time period, its determined on a student by student basis and when they student got access to the course.

You can choose to have content dripped out a number of days, weeks, months, or even years after release.

For example, you have content set to drip out weekly;

  • Student A registers on the 1st of the month, the next bit of content would drip out on the 8th, 7-days later.
  • Student B registers on the 4th of the month, the next bit on content would drip out on the 11th, 7-days later.

You can see here that we have the initial module and lesson available immediately, then each week a new module becomes available.

Below we have another example, where content drips out over a period of days. The first few bits of content come out each day, with further content coming out every other day.

Content dripped this way will be available at 12 am the day of release based on the vendors timezone (this is determined by your device settings when saving your course).

Day of the month Fulfilment

When using ‘Day of the month’ for fulfilment, this allows you to set content to be released on specific days of the month.

For example, you could have your modules and lessons set to release on the first of each month. Again, like the time period fulfilment above, this is evergreen to your students access, so students who sign up at different times/months will have access to content based on how long they’ve been a member.

For example;

  • Student A registers in February, Module 2 first drips out on the 1st of March.
  • Student B registers in April, Module 2 first drips out on the 1st of May.

So, here we can see our modules are set up to drip out on the first of each month for the customer.

Content dripped this way will be available at 12 am the day of release based on the vendors timezone (this is determined by your device settings when saving your course).

Specific calendar date fulfilment

Wanting to release content on a specific date, not based on when the customer joins?

With specific calendar date fulfilment, you can do just that.

This is great for when you’re pre-selling access to a course and students get access to the content on a specific date all together.

We’d still recommend having at least 1 lesson set to be ‘published’. This way, when the student tries to access the course, they’ll see some content – that could just be a placeholder welcoming them and confirming when content is set to release.

Just like all other drip methods you can also mix and match as needed. If you don’t want all the content to drip on the same date, you can spread things out to drip out across multiple fixed dates.

Here we can see content set to drip out across different specific dates within a month.

Content dripped this way will be available at 12 am the day of release based on the vendors timezone (this is determined by your device settings when saving your course).

If students get access after the content released, it will be available immediately in their dashboard.

After a trial or rebill fulfilment

Using this drip method allows you to restrict content based on payments, rather than time.

This allows you to drip our modules or lessons after specific rebills, ensuring students who continue paying for your content get new content to consume.

If choosing the option ‘after a trial period ends’ then the system will set the first module to be ‘Published’ (so instantly available) and then all other content to unlock after the first recurring payment (which would be the first payment after a free or paid trial).

When using the ‘after each rebill’ option, the system can automatically sync up modules and lessons to drip out after each rebill (this is done automatically to help save you time, but you’re able to go in and adjust content based on your own requirements – for example you could have 2 modules release after a specific rebill instead of just one).

Content dripped this way will be available just after the rebill is processed and paid by the customer.

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