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Creating client & user logins

This feature is available for users on ThriveCart Pro
The video below shows an earlier UI and you can access the Users area under your Settings.

In the video above we look at sub-users for your ThriveCart account. You can use these users to give your clients limited access to your account and products or for assistants to handle things like tweaking/editing funnels or customer management (refunds, etc).

You can edit or update a sub-user and the account permissions or access at any time by simply editing their user profile in your dashboard.

Below is an outline of each area of permissions and what they cover.

Basic Info

Contact Details

This area is used for entering your user/client details. Their name and email address. Their physical address here will be used in digital sales tax calculations if enabled on their products. Your user/client can update these details at any time from within their profile area.

The email address you enter here will be used for their account login. If the user does not already have a login on the platform then they will be sent an email immediately after saving the user with a link to verify their email address – this will generate a password for their account.

If they already have a login under this email, they will get a notification that they’ve been granted access to an account (which they’ll see when logging into their account).

App Permissions

Sub-users cannot create or clone products. This is a system-level restriction.


Create edit and delete coupons: This allows users to view, edit and delete account wide coupons. When creating coupons they have the ability to use it for all products or only selected products

View coupons and copy codes: Users will be able to view coupons account wide but only be able to copy the URL or view the coupon codes and not be able to edit or create new coupons.


Add/edit account-wide settings: This gives your user the ability to edit account-wide settings, such as integrations, and webhooks. This is useful if you have staff members that need access to these. For clients, you will be managing their account so you (or your staff) will be connecting their services for them. You may (if wanted) temporarily give them access whilst on a call so they can connect their services themselves and then revoke this access once that’s been done.


Access customer details and perform refunds etc: Gives the user restricted access to customer details. They are required to enter search details in order to locate/view customers. They are not able to view customers without entering details to search. Gives them the ability to manage subscriptions and perform refunds. Only lets them view customers for products that they are granted access to.

Browse through all customers: This gives the user the ability to view customers in the transactions area without needing to enter search details. Again this only shows customers for the products the user is granted access to. Combo it with the above option to give clients full access to all their customers and the ability to manage them based on the products they have been granted access to.

View live statistics and financial data: This gives your user the ability to look at the stats for the products they have been granted access to. They can also run sales tax reports on the products they have been granted access to.


Manage user accounts: Gives the user the ability to create new users, or edit other users. They cannot edit or delete the account owner (the main account holder). They cannot edit their own privileges either. If a user creates a new account then the account owner will also receive an email will receive notification of this.

Product Access

Delete: Enabling this option gives the user the ability to delete products, upsells or downsells that they have access to.

Edit Settings: Enabling this option gives the user the ability to edit the settings of products, upsells or downsells that they have access to.

Grant Access To: Here we can give the user access to ALL products in your account, or we can assign already created products to them by choosing from the list.

Please note that affiliates and JV contracts are not designed for your clients, these are features at an account-wide level and in some scenarios clients having their own accounts can be the best option. See our helpdesk article on client use with ThriveCart here.

In June 2021 We released additional sub-users permissions for the affiliate functionality. This is designed for your assistants/staff members so that they can help you manage your affiliate programs.


Approve or reject individual affiliate applications: Give your staff users the ability to approve and decline affiliate applications without needing to login under the primary login for the account

Browse through all affiliates: Enabling this option will give your user the ability to view all the affiliates without needing to enter search data to pull up related records

Add or remove affiliates from transactions: This allows your staff members to add/remove affiliates to applicable orders – providing they also have access to your transactions area (the ability to look up customers or browse through all customers).

Manage tier and commission options: This allows your staff to go into specific affiliate profiles, enable 2nd-tier commissions and custom commissions where applicable.

Manage commission payouts and statistics: Give your staff the ability to view all your commissions that are due or upcoming and the ability to pay your affiliates on your behalf.

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