Special offer: one-time payment

Drip Integration

To connect an autoresponder to your account, you need to go to your Settings > Integrations area within your dashboard.

Want to find out more about Drip? Click here to learn more.

To connect with Drip, simply follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to ThriveCart
  2. Click on Settings at the top
  3. Choose Integrations
  4. Choose Autoresponders
  5. Choose Drip
  6. Click on the Authorize button
  7. Sign in to your Drip account and grant permissions

You’ll be returned to ThriveCart, and your newly accepted Drip account will show up in the list.

After connecting your Drip account with ThriveCart, you will be able to make use of it within the behaviour rules in your account.

Click here to see how to add your customers to Drip after it’s been connected.

What does this integration support?

Using ThriveCart’s integration with Drip you can easily manage contacts for a wide number of triggers with

  • Add to Campaign
  • Add to Workflow
  • Add to Existing Tag
  • Remove from Campaign
  • Remove from Workflow
  • Remove from Existing Tag
  • Apply custom Tags
  • Remove custom Tags
  • Order tracking
  • Customer Lifetime Value tracking

For data that is passed through to Drip, we currently pass through

  • Customer name
  • Customer email address
  • Customer address
  • Customer phone number
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