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Facebook domain verification

The Facebook domain verification process under your Settings > Account-wide settings > Facebook domain verification does not do anything. You must have a custom domain for your ThriveCart account in order to track events correctly.

It was initially understood from the available Facebook documentation that verifying your ThriveCart subdomain would be enough for you to continue receiving events on Facebook.

This is why this feature was added to ThriveCart.

However, with the very fluid changes around Facebook’s response to Apple’s iOS updates around user data privacy, it appears that this is not enough to track these events and effectively run ads.


Further confirmation from Facebook now confirms that you will need to have a custom domain set up for your ThriveCart account (for example; abc.yourdomain.com).

You can verify the root domain (yourdomain.com) with Facebook.

By verifying your root domain Facebook will track events from that domain and any subdomains of that domain.

Custom domain has been a feature of the Pro license for years and if you’re not a Pro license holder, you can upgrade your account from your Settings > Account-wide settings > Custom domain to unlock and get access to this functionality.

Update June 2022: Removed the original steps and article and emphasis on the above to help prevent any confusion.

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