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How to change my account’s subdomain

When first creating your ThriveCart account you would have had to choose an account name to use for your domain.

This account name makes up part of your ThriveCart hosted checkout URLs and is displayed to customers in the address bar when visiting your checkouts or accessing your customer hub.

Some users may want to change their domain for several reasons including:

  • Change of business name
  • Wanting to use a more generic sounding domain for when using your account for multiple brands/businesses

Changing an account/domain name is a critical change to your account and has multiple implications:

– It will break any existing links to your hosted checkout URLs (you will need to update any links to your checkout pages).
– It will break any existing links to your Learn Student area (if you’re using the hosted domain for your courses, this will change and previously sent emails/links will no longer work as they’ll be pointing to your old domain – you’ll need to update links to your login pages from your website and/or update your customers via email of the new login page)
– It will break any affiliate links your affiliates have shared (as above, the affiliate links include your original account name so your affiliates will need to update their links).
– Embeddable carts will stop functioning (your account name is referenced in the embed code and this will no longer be valid so they will need updating).
– Any Zapier integrations will no longer work (as this is integrated with your account and you’ll need to update the Zapier integration within Zapier).

How to request the change of your subdomain:

All requests for changing your subdomain need to get sent directly to support@thrivecart.com directly and not via the support form.

  1. They need to be sent directly from your accounts primary login email.
  2. You need to include a copy of your ThriveCart receipt.
  3. You need to include your support code (found at the bottom of your account profile).
  4. You must also confirm you’ve read this article and are aware of the implications.
  5. You need to confirm your current subdomain and the new domain you want to change to.

The domain you wish to change to needs to be available within the platform and there is a quick test you can do to check this.

A ThriveCart subdomain needs to be a minimum of 3 characters long and a maximum of 30. It may contain letters, numbers and hyphens. 

It also needs to be unique and not in use by another user. To see if your new account name would be available do the following

  • Sign out of your ThriveCart account
  • Visit xxx.thrivecart.com Replace ‘xxx’ with your chosen idea.

If you are redirected to

  • A login page, then this subdomain is not available.
  • The ThriveCart home page, then this subdomain is likely* available.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support desk support@thrivecart.com

Some domains are reserved internally, but we will confirm in support if your chosen domain cannot be used.

We look to process subdomain changes within 72 working hours of being submitted (providing they contain all the required information).

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