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Importing checkout (and funnel) designs

ThriveCart offers vendors the ability to easily create beautiful high-converting checkout pages, upsell pages, and success pages, all directly within our easy to use editor.

What’s more, you’re not restricted to just what you can create, ThriveCart’s unique feature set includes the ability for you to share and import checkout and funnel designs from other vendors using the platform. We even have a curated gallery of high-converting designs for you to choose from.

Below we look at importing a checkout design, but if you’re interested in sharing your design, see this article here.

Importing a checkout (and funnel) design

The first thing you’ll need is the share URL for the design. This looks like https://thrivecart.com/share/4df5fv5fG and is where you’re usually previewing the design you’re looking to import.

Under your product settings in the Checkout > Design tab, you’ll want to click the button ‘browse gallery’.

In the window that appears, you’ll then want to go to the tab ‘My templates’ and click the ‘import design’ button at the bottom-left.

You’ll then be prompted to enter the URL for your template, and then when you click continue the platform will import that template and apply the design to your product (and any related upsells). It will then launch the editor allowing you to go ahead make any changes and save your design.

See a quick run through video below:

Upsell page designs & success page designs

If the creator of the design has also included designs for upsells and success pages, they’ll be imported too.

To confirm how this works, if the design has 2 upsell page templates included, then those will get imported to the related upsell in your funnel. So Upsell 1 design from the import will replace the design for Upsell 1 in your funnel, then Upsell 2 from the imported design will replace Upsell 2.

If there are no upsell designs included in the import (if the creator has not included these), then any existing upsell page designs will not be overwritten.

If you have any questions about the importing or sharing your checkout and funnel designs, you can reach out to our fast and friendly support team here.

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