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  4. My custom success page is blank

My custom success page is blank

Are you redirecting customers to your own custom success page, but instead of being shown the expected page after purchasing, they’re/you’re just seeing a blank white page?

This is most often because of a security plugin on your site blocking long URLs or those with query string data.

In all the cases that the support team have dealt with, it’s been due to a WordPress plugin called iThemes Security.

Under the iThemes Security plugin, there is a section called System Tweaks.

Under this section, there are 3 settings that when enabled will prevent your success page from loading on your site.

You need to make sure that Suspicious Query Strings, Non-English Characters, and Long URL Strings are not checked. As this will prevent redirect to your success page from working.

If you have any further questions then please contact the friendly support team directly. Be sure to include all your details so they can help as quickly as possible.

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