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Creating your affiliate links

If you’ve not already done so, I strongly recommend taking a look at this article on how to set up your product for affiliate promotion.

ThriveCart lets you easily create multiple links for your affiliates for them to send traffic to.

You can set up links that go to your sales page, landing page, webinar, pre-launch videos, blog posts, anywhere you’d like.

When a lead visits an affiliate link, no matter where that link redirects them to, a cookie is dropped on their device which associates it with that affiliate.

This means you can have your affiliate send traffic to your homepage and then no matter what product the lead buys, the affiliate will earn a commission (providing the affiliate is approved for that product).

To set your affiliate links, you simply need to head over to your Affiliates tab in your product settings.

On this tab, we have a section for your affiliate options. Clicking the Set up options button will let us enter the target for this products main affiliate link.

This field is where you will enter the URL you want this products affiliate link to redirect to. This is the main affiliate URL.

If you leave this blank, ThriveCart will automatically redirect users to the checkout page. You’re typically going to enter your sales page URL or the URL to your site here.

If you want to offer your affiliates multiple destinations to send traffic to, then you can click the Add more URLs buttons.

In the new window, you can add up to an additional 5 URL destinations for your affiliates.

From the affiliate’s POV

So now when an affiliate logs into their dashboard and clicks your product to get their link, they will be given the choice of affiliate link to use. Their main affiliate link and then any additional destinations you’ve set up.

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