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Sharing checkout (and funnel) designs

ThriveCart offers vendors the ability to easily create beautiful high-converting checkout pages, upsell pages, and success pages, all directly within our easy to use editor.

What’s more, you’re not restricted to just what you can create, ThriveCart’s unique feature set includes the ability for you to share and import checkout and funnel designs from other vendors using the platform. We even have a curated gallery of high-converting designs for you to choose from.

In this article, we look at sharing your designs, but if you’re looking at importing a design, see this article.

Sharing your checkout (and funnel) designs with other people

If you have a great looking checkout that’s converting well for you, you may wish to share and help the community and offer them a copy. Alternatively, you may be building funnels for your clients and their own ThriveCart accounts and you want to easily share with them funnel designs that will work well for them.

You can easily share your checkout and funnel designs in a couple of clicks.

You can share your design from within the checkout editor itself, at the bottom-left of the editor is an option to save your design as a custom template.

When saving a custom template, you’ll have the option to make this shareable with others, checking that box will expand to give you some further fields and options;

The minimum that will be shared is the checkout page, but you can opt to include the upsell pages from the funnel (if enabled on this product) and also the success page.

You can give you design a name, choose how your name will appear to those viewing the design’s preview, and then enter some information about the design, such as who it’s aimed at, and what’s included.

Finally, you can click the Get share link button to be given the unique URL for this design.

You can now share this URL with people and when visiting it, they’ll be given a preview of the checkout page, and instructions on how to import it (just like above).

If you have any questions about the importing or sharing your checkout and funnel designs, you can reach out to our fast and friendly support team here.

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